Besides some gross personal things that you--the Internet--don't need to hear about, not much else happened today. What can I say? I'm a slobby, lazy person in the summer. I did, however, spend a bunch of time perusing Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, and that was a lot of fun. It made me remember how much I love Emerson, namely A LOT. But I also found a bunch of quotes I decided to copy down, and some even for my novel!
Probably you know this already, but it's like a tradition with me to do JulNoWriMo every year, each time with a new novel, since 2009. I'm well-aware that I'm a fairly pretentious person. (I love that I say that with a pretentious statement. Heh. :) So it's no understatement when I say that most of what I've written previously for JulNo's and NaNo's has been fairly shitty and overblown. That is why this summer I decided I wanted to do something entirely different. I want to try to break the mold of what I've done before, you know?
But back to Bartlett. I found a ton of quotes that I liked for my novel, to either be integrated or included in the epigraph at the beginning. And, best of all, I found myself a title! Yeah!
I'm going to be calling my piece The Shadow of the Daisy. It's after the following Wordsworth quote:
What's best about it is that it actually plays fairly well to one of the main aspects of the novel I'm planning. More details on that in a future blog post, I think. But now for more quotes I liked that are related to the novel!Small service is true service while it lasts:
Of humblest friends, bright creature! scorn not one:
The daisy, by the shadow that it casts,
Protects the lingering dewdrop from the sun.
--Wordsworth, To a Child: Written in Her Album
To different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven.
--Ralph W. Emerson, Journal: December 20, 1822
He discovereth deep things out of the darkness, and bringeth out to light the shadow of death.
--Job 12:22
A corner draft fluttered the flame
And the white fever of temptation
Upswept its angel wings that cast
A cruciform shadow.
--Boris Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago
Out of the dusk a shadow,Why, yes, it is a fairly dark piece, why do you ask? Anyway, hope you enjoyed those quotes. If you'll excuse me, I should be getting to bed.
Then a spark;
Out of the clouds a silence,
Then a lark;
Out of the heart a rapture,
Then a pain;
Out of the dead, cold ashes,
Life again.
--John Banister Tabb, Evolution
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